The Bible tells us the truth of who God is. If you want to know more about God and His promises, reading the Bible is the next step.
Just 10 Minutes A Day
You can spare that, right? Reading the Bible for just 10 minutest a day can change the rest of your days. It will bring hope, encouragement, guidance, and practical advice on the every day issues you’re facing. The Bible is relevant to everyone, everywhere, at any time.
All Scripture is God-breathed…. 2 Timothy 3: 16
You cant have a close relationship with someone you never talk to. It’s impossible. God’s word- the Bible- is the primary way He speaks to us. And it’s the absolute best way to discover how to follow Jesus on a daily basis.
Where Do I Start?
We want to help you as you begin to read the Bible of pick it back up after a long season. On Sunday mornings we teach from the Scriptures. Joining us at our Sunday services is a great place to start!
You can also download the YouVersion Bible App to your smartphone with access to devotionals covering every topic. The will send you a text reminder! Other resources to check out for daily devotionals and Bible reading plans are She Reads Truth and He Reads Truths for Biblical application, encouragement, and a thriving online community for discussion.